Monday, January 31, 2011

Valentine's Day Anyone?

I always say, I don't care how old I am when I birthday comes around as long as I get attention and presents. Since I'm the poster child for "The Cup is Half Full", I guess I'll have to come up with something positive about NOT having a "Valentine" on Valentines Day. Hmmm... let's see, how about I won't be getting red roses, my least favorite color for roses, or I won't be getting chocolates, which I don't need because I'm trying to lose weight? Nah, that's not working. Wait, I did think of something positive, my grandchildren are still young enough that I can be their Valentine and they will always be mine!! NOW, Nana is feeling better.

But I'm still saying a prayer that maybe this year God will bring that someone special my way. Hey, even a Nana can dream. There's no expiration date on dreams last time I checked.

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